Police arrest man for 'harassing' Turkish vlogger in Karachi

The arrest came after Nur posted a video
Karachi Police Thursday arrested a man for harassing Seda Nur, a female Turkish vlogger, who is currently in Pakistan to show the brighter side of the country in her videos.

The arrest came after Nur posted a video, in which she explained how she encountered an incident of harassment in Karachi's Saddar area, which went viral on social media recently.

In the video, Nur attached the bits from her vlog in which a man wearing a blue t-shirt was constantly seen walking behind her on the roadside in a market in Saddar. The vlog was cut where another clip started which Nur apparently recorded later to expose the "harasser".

The vlogger said that a man kept following her while she recorded a video for her vlog and even "touched" her when he got a chance.

"So as you could see this weird man in blue who started following me and every time I was stopping, he was passing me and waiting on a spot for me to pass him again so he can follow me again," Nur said.

It was when she realised that something was wrong so she stopped and made sure that he was no longer around.

The female vlogger said while she was checking her phone, someone "touched" her back.

"I just turned around and I was ready to punch someone, but I saw a little boy. He was just around 12 years old so I thought he might have touched me by accident," she said, adding that she didn't react considering his age.

Nur said while she walked towards her place, she realised that the "man in blue" was again behind her and "the boy" was also there on her left. However, she shooed them away by yelling at them.

Taking action on the matter, Karachi police arrested the alleged harasser, Shoaib, who later apologised to the tourist.

In a video shared by the police, Shoaib claimed that he didn't know "this lady would take me as a harasser."

"I was just strolling around behind her but I didn't have any ill intentions. I'm embarrassed that she felt bad so I apologise to her," he said.

via Original Source


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