May 9 vandalism “9/11-type” attacks on Pakistan’s national interests: Ahsan Iqbal

Ahsan Iqbal
Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Professor Ahsan Iqbal on Sunday termed the May 9 vandalism of sensitive state installations as the “9/11-type” attacks on Pakistan’s national interests.

The minister in an exclusive interview with State media said it was regrettable that a political party’s workers on May 9 stormed and destroyed many symbols of Pakistan’s pride that include Jinnah House, Yadgare Shuhada, fighter jets of the famous 1965 war and Chagai mountain model.

He said this reaction to their leader’s arrest over corruption charges was unprecedentedly irrational, unacceptable and not less than the 9/11 attacks carried out in the US in 2001.

“The May-9 incident for Pakistan’s Armed Forces was equivalent to the September-11 of America. The violent workers of a political party attacked Pakistan’s heritage and the pride of the security departments. The ‘Jinnah House’ was not only the residence of a Corps Commander rather a heritage of the founder of the country,” he observed.

The minister said the model of Chagai Mountain, which reminded the nation of nuclear tests carried out by its scientists that made the country’s defence impregnable, was also set on fire.

Ahsan Iqbal said such serious offences could not be tolerated and forgiven by any country, reminding that charges were framed against all those who attacked the United States Capitol Hill at the behest of ex-president Donald Trump; and UK courts opened at the night for giving exemplary punishment to those involved in street riots, loot and plunder.

“So, these people too do not deserve any mercy as they have attacked the national heritage and pride of the Armed Forces,” he said, adding that evidence-based legal proceedings would be initiated against those involved in the subversive activities.

He said the enemies of Pakistan kept celebrating the subversive activities of the PTI, “Thus we made our enemies happy and brought tears to the eyes of our nation.”


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